aiToolbox is the swiss army knife in the Artiatomi package. It allows for many little task that commonly occur during processing of cryo-electron tomograms and is a CLI / command line application.
aiToolbox takes two major inputs:
- what to process – i.e. the item
- the tool or task to perform
At any time, aiToolbox can be called with the ‚-h‘ or ‚–help‘ argument to get a list of possible parameters.
The list of possible items is:
- motivelist
- settings
- singleframe
- tiltseries
- volume
For motivelist, the possible tools are:
- globalToTomo
- makeGoldStandard
- merge
- postToPre
- preToPost
- select
- set
- spheroids
- tomoToGlobal
- visibleTilts
For settings, the possible tools are:
- add
For singleframe, the possible tools are:
- import
For tiltseries, the possible tools are:
- align
- bin
- convert
- copyAlignment
- import
- oldAlignment
- refine
- refine2
- set
- setIgnore
- thumbnail
For volume, the possible tools are:
- add
- compare
- createMask
- crop
- dimBorder
- fourier
- import
- meanFree
- move
- mul
- pad
- resize
- scaleOffset
- sharpen
- sphericalMask
- symmetrise
- thumbnail
- wedgeNorm
To get detailed information on the parameters, type for example:
aiToolbox volume move -h